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Status: Online
Players Casting: 55

Com o CAST Ligado você consegue 2x EXP .

You can enter a live stream by login into the game without entering any account number and password. Just don't write anything in those 2 fields and just press enter. A list of all available casts will appear shortly and you choose the one you would like to watch. After login into the cast, you can talk with other audiences and a person that is broadcasting.

To make your own broadcast, you must login to your account and use a command /cast on.

Full command list can be found below.

Players Casting [ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ]
OutfitName[sort] Reset[sort] Vocation[sort] Spectators
Baiano Gremista311Primordial Paladin0/50
Bergu101Mystic Druid0/50
Buuniior383Primordial Knight0/50
Chupa Cu241Celestial Sorcerer0/50
Doiderah215Radiant Druid0/50
Ex Corno380Primordial Knight0/50
Game Ove168Shadow Paladin0/50
Geralt The Rivia371Primordial Knight0/50
Gringo285Primordial Druid0/50
Guii Destroyer0None0/50
Hocharky213Radiant Paladin0/50
Illusionize206Radiant Paladin0/50
Infernallow107Mystic Paladin0/50
Ita Lo Mcz0None0/50
Kenny Gg293Primordial Paladin0/50
King Pally0None0/50
Lord Crowley405Primordial Sorcerer0/50
Magnos Marshev0None0/50
Manninha192Radiant Druid0/50
Mauriicio273Celestial Knight0/50
Mc Luuky345Primordial Knight0/50
Mestre Dos Magos214Radiant Sorcerer0/50
Mestre Riot0None0/50
Naguini167Shadow Paladin0/50
Naofumi Iwatami211Radiant Knight0/50
Pesadilla207Radiant Paladin0/50
Pilekinho279Primordial Paladin0/50
Predat229Celestial Knight0/50
Rei Bernardo0None0/50
Rei Zezinho250Celestial Druid0/50
Royal Hawk0None0/50
Shadoow154Shadow Knight0/50
Shadw162Shadow Sorcerer0/50
Sirius211Radiant Paladin0/50
Slk Nao Compensa283Primordial Knight0/50
Storm Screamer277Primordial Sorcerer0/50
Sung Jin Wo325Primordial Knight0/50
Sustagen Kids0None0/50
Thamuz169Shadow Paladin0/50
Trip381Primordial Knight0/50
Valkyrie150Shadow Paladin0/50
Vinicius151Shadow Knight0/50
Wale Hajsy0None0/50
Weedzao118Mystic Knight0/50
Weszinha119Mystic Paladin0/50
Zeziinho292Primordial Paladin0/50

Currently available commands for spectators:
/show - display the amount of currently active spectators
/name - change your name on chat with player and other spectators
/auth - authenticate to an exisiting cast (required with chat proctetion)

Available commands for streaming players:
/cast on - enables the stream
/cast off - disables the stream
/cast password {password} - sets a password on the stream
/cast password off - disables the password protection
/cast auth on - enables requirement of authentication on chat
/cast auth off - disables requirement of authentication on chat
/cast kick {name} - kick a spectator from your stream
/cast ban {name} - locks spectator IP from joining your stream
/cast unban {name} - removes banishment lock
/cast bans - shows banished spectators list

/cast mute {name} - mutes selected spectator from chat
/cast unmute {name} - removes mute
/cast mutes - shows muted spectators list
/cast show - displays the amount and nicknames of current spectators
/cast status - displays stream status

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45 Players Online