!buyhouse |
Buy a house for the character, it is necessary to be in front of the door. |
!sellhouse |
Sell the house to the indicated player. |
aleta sio |
Edit the house guest list. |
aleta som |
Edit house sub-owners. |
alana sio |
Take the player out of the house. |
aleta grav |
Edit doors permissions. |
!tutorial |
Some tips about the server. |
!potion1 |
buy potion 1.5x de experience. |
!potion2 |
buy potion 2x de experience. |
!potion3 |
buy potion 2.5x experience. |
!autoloot |
Contains information about the autoloot system. |
!staminapotion |
buy stamina potion. |
!tradeoff |
Sale and purchase of products, for more information click here. |
!reset |
Adds one more reset to the character as long as he has the necessary level. |
!prestige |
Adds one more prestige to the character as long as he has the necessary reset. |
!loot |
Informs loot booster time. |
!boss |
Informs the time of bosses available for access. |
!frags |
Show the number of people you've killed. |
!gold |
Display bank in gold coins. |
!expinfo |
Check out all experience bonuses your character receives. |
!outfit |
Check all experience and skills bonuses through the outfit bonus system. |
!coin |
Display bank in super coins. |
!code |
Use this command to redeem the code. |
!sellcharacter/!buycharacter |
Sale and purchase characters,for more information click here. |
!dodge |
to check your amount of dodge on the character. |
!resetskill |
Use to reset your skill. the more you reset skills, the greater your character's damage will be |
!reward |
Use to receive a training wand, can be used every 24 hours. 75+ Resets |
!fly |
Use to travel between locations. |
!rank |
check server ranks. |
!bp |
Use to buy a backpack for 5 crystal coins. |